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Author: Banksy 🐝🐝🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: The second American revolution
Date: 02/26/2025 4:49 PM
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LOL Jamie Dimon wants to talk about wastefulness and incompetentence?
Dimon paid himself $40 Million last year!
How did he "earn" such a massive paycheck?
In large part by selling crappy, high-fee, tax inefficient, incompetently run, underperforming active mutual funds to investors who don't know any better.

Take a look at some of the wasteful garbage that Dimon/JP Morgan is selling:
One of my favorites is the JPMorgan SMID Cap Equity C Fund ODMCX
Morningstar rates it 1 star. (A monkey with a dartboard could beat it!)
The expense ratio is 1.59%. (10X what a comparable index fund would charge.)
It has underperformed the index in every time period imaginable, YTD, 1-Year, 3-Year, 5-Year, 10-Year and 15-Year!

Another incompetent, joke of a Fund is JPMorgan Small Cap Value R2 JSVZX.
Morningstar rates it 2 stars. (A monkey with a dartboard...)
The expense ratio is 1.49%. (10X what a comparable index fund would charge.)
It has underperformed the index in 1-Year, 3-Year, 5-Year, 10-Year and 15-Year! Wasteful and incompetent.

How about JPMorgan Corporate Bond C CBRCX?
Morningstar rates it 1 star.
The expense ratio is 1.25%. (10X what a comparable index fund would charge.)
It has underperformed the index in every time period imaginable! YTD, 1-Year, 3-Year, 5-Year, and 10-Year!

One more, JPMorgan Emerging Markets Debt C JEDCX
Morningstar rates it 2 stars.
The expense ratio is 1.55%. (10X what a comparable index fund would charge.)
It has underperformed the index in 5-Year, 10-Year and 15-Year periods!

I could write a book. Go to Morningstar and see for yourself how many JP Morgan funds are nothing more than money grabs.
JP Morgans wasteful, garbage, active funds have cost American investors billions of dollars and for him to pretend like he knows anything about wastefulness or incompetence is truly laughable...

John Bogle: "If the data do not prove that indexing wins, well, the data are wrong." And Jamie Dimon damn well knows it.

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