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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: The second American revolution
Date: 02/26/2025 5:08 PM
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bighairymike: When a boy decides he is a girl, usually you start with a long series of hormone treatments and it a long time before you get your pee pee cut off. And even that doesn't eliminate your advantage. If your body's already has been bathed in male hormones for 15 years, your advantage is locked in even after you have your pee pee removed.

Good grief. The NCAA does not allow individuals assigned male at birth to compete on women's teams: A student-athlete assigned male at birth may not compete on a women’s team. https://www.ncaa.org/sports/2022/1/27/transgender-...

Women undergoing hormone treatment as they transition to men also are prohibited from competing on women's teams: A student-athlete assigned female at birth who has begun hormone therapy (e.g., testosterone) may not compete on a women’s team. If such competition occurs, the team is subject to NCAA mixed-team legislation, and the team will no longer be eligible for NCAA women’s championships.

You keep arguing about something that does not exist.

bighairymike: How about those two trans boxers who took gold in the last Olympics, both by TKO's One real female said she never has been hit so hard, she was forced to stop the fight after less than a minute. Have some empathy for the many girls who trained for years finally earning a spot on their Olympic team only to realize too late they had no chance of winning.

The Algerian boxer, Imane Khelif, was born female, was registered female, lived her life as a female, boxed as a female, and has a female passport. She is not trans. Khelif's boxing record was 37-9. If she's some super testosteroned asskicker, how'd she lose 9 matches?

Lin Yu-ting was 41-14 over her career when she made her Olympic debut in Tokyo, where she did not advance beyond the round of 16.

Keep tilting at those windmills, buddy.


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