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Author: Lapsody   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Next up for Musk 'treatment': NOAA
Date: 02/06/2025 12:51 PM
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Versus the blind faith in a government that's adding trillions to the debt every year

I don't think many of us have "blind faith" in government, it's just not our mantra that the government can't do anything right. What I expect from the government is... the government.

I get curious if I see the military coming into the area, but I don't think the government is invading to round me up and put me in a concentration camp.

My suspicion of government is healthy. I never worry about anyone "colored" getting more than they deserve because I know as soon as that happens some white folks will be standing up hollering objections to it - so if it's real it won't last long. Gays, trans don't bother me - leave them in peace.

Adding trillions to debt is what Trump has done via tax cuts to billionaires. The little tax cuts they gave us phase out in 4 years, but the billionaires was permanent. So take your right hand and slap your face. 😜

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