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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Huge 5th Circuit Ruling
Date: 10/25/2024 7:21 PM
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It's unconstitutional to count votes received after Election Day.

In sane times, there would be neither conflict nor confusion over this Very. Simple. Concept.

But we don't live in sane time, and we don't have a sane democrat party, do we?


Congress statutorily designated a singular “day for the election” ofmembers of Congress and the appointment of presidential electors. Text,precedent, and historical practice confirm this“day for the election” is theday by which ballots must be bothcast by voters andreceived by state officials.Because Mississippi’s statute allowsballot receipt up to five days after the federal election day, it is preempted by federal law. We reverse the district court’s contrary judgmentand remand for further proceedings.

This is only going to apply to a few states, but the precedent is now there in case it comes up for the Supremes.
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