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Author: Lambo 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 42005 
Subject: Re: No WaPo endorsement for Harris
Date: 10/25/2024 7:24 PM
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"WaPo usually doesn't endorse a candidate. Nothing new."

Ummm...someone's been out of the loop for several decades.

Nope, see my post. I read the editorial. I didn't stop Twitter just because Elon took over, though I dislike him a lot. I won't cancel WaPo just because of this, they are a good source, nor will I cancel NYT. I care about the election itself and don't expect everyone to agree with me or see things my way. Whether they endorse or don't won't make a difference.

I do boycott Wendy's now, but that is after listening to a woman organizing people who pick tomatoes in the field in the US, Mexico, and other countries. What won me over were that they were being successful in lowering violence in the fields and particularly against women. For that I'll boycott Wendy's. I'm disappointed in WaPo and NYT, but they are great newspapers that I read.
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