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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Vance the hypocrite
Date: 10/19/2024 10:53 AM
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and how.

J.D. Vance
Not by the words of English language that describe event I would say have Trump.

Ever since he refused to answer the question during his debate with Tim Walz, J.D. Vance has been asked over and over whether he believed Trump lost the 2020 election. This week, during one of his Q&A sessions with reporters at a rally, he finally gave a direct, if garbled, answer. “First of all, on the election of 2020, I’ve answered this question directly a million times: No,” Vance said, egged on by a crowd that also apparently did not believe Trump had lost the 2020 election. “I think there are serious problems in 2020. So, did Donald Trump lose the election? Not by the words that I would use,” Vance said. At another event later, Vance clarified what the hell “not by the words that I would use” meant, saying that “I think that Big Tech rigged the election in 2020. That’s my view. And if you disagree with me, that’s fine.” Agreeing to disagree on the question of who won the 2020 election, to own the libs: the J.D. Vance way.

From Slate
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