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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: The Surge
Date: 10/19/2024 10:49 AM
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from Slate.

Donald Trump
We wouldn’t say he’s getting more normal.

As for the dude himself, this was among his more surreal weeks. His campaign repeatedly put him in positions to reach strategic audiences, as campaigns do down the stretch, and he spent each session essentially doodling with crayons on the wall. As we alluded to earlier, Trump described himself during the all-woman town hall, with no kernel of truth to be found anywhere in our galaxy, as the “father of IVF,” and also referred to Alabama Sen. Katie Britt as “fantastically attractive.” When a questioner at a Univision town hall said he was disturbed by Jan. 6 and gave Trump a chance to earn his vote back, Trump described Jan. 6 as a “day of love” and said there was “nothing done wrong.” And then there was the town hall in Oaks, Pennsylvania, where Trump cut short the Q&A and then danced—more like casually swayed—to mainstays from his campaign playlist for another 40 minutes. We have trouble envisioning how he’s going to make a shift on the fry cooker at a Philadelphia McDonald’s this weekend weird, but we’re certain that he will.
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