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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Trump: I Was Being "Sarcastic"...
Date: 03/15/2025 3:06 PM
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You weren't being sarcastic when you people opposed Reagan's nuclear weapon build up.

You weren't being sarcastic when you people praised Gorbachev and the Soviets.

You weren't being sarcastic when you kept growing NATO around Russia - even after the Berlin Wall fell. (latter to your chagrin )

You weren't;'t being sarcastic when you were ok with national like Syria being UN Human Rights when you were whining 'Bush!' every day and now pretend to be anti-dictator (Sheeple is a pro at this one ---the best faker there is)

You weren't being sarcastic when you told Ukraine you'd arm them *but* you never gave them EVERYTHING they said they needed to win and end the war. Instead - you gave them just enough ti fight, die, and make Woke Defense Profits and wear Putin down.

You weren't being sarcastic when you took livelihoods away from innocent Russian citizens.

And the people you've been complicit in harming, will *not* be sarcastic when they respond - INSIDE your country, hopefully in a Blue Enclave.

And I'm not being sarcastic either. Sadly, I'm being impatient.

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