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Author: Captkerosene   😊 😞
Number: of 12641 
Subject: Re: Pilot and EVs
Date: 01/19/2024 5:11 PM
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That's an interesting strong opinion. Sort of surprising to me. You think 99% of heavy duty trucking will be electric semis like the Tesla semi that they barely manufacture and primarily delivers potato chips on short routes? Isn't there another emission free technology that would be far better than battery powered big rig tractors? One that would need fueling infrastructure like large truck stops?

Tesla tried to implement new (DBE) technology at the same time they started building their own batteries. So far, it's been a failure and caused the delay on several projects like the semi. Seems like they're getting close to building the semi (truck) factory now. The truck is a great product.

Electricity is abundant, cheap and safe. Battery prices are dropping fast and eventually going much lower. Hydrogen isn't as cheap or safe.

Let's say you are correct and Tesla owns heavy trucking going forward - where do you expect the big rigs to recharge? Obviously not at the existing Tesla supercharger stations for cars. Somewhere with showers, hot food and an enormous parking lot to accommodate all those out-of-service-while-they-charge-huge-batteries big rigs right?

I expect short haul to be charged either overnight or at a stop when loading/unloading. Long haul will be autonomous, "fueled" where the land and electricity are cheap. Autos will drive themselves to a charger at night if an apartment dweller doesn't have good access to power.

Pilot is going to get Blockbustered. Don't know if it will take ten or twenty years but it will happen.
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