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Author: bacon   😊 😞
Number: of 555 
Subject: Re: 20th C history of China's economy
Date: 07/17/2023 9:38 AM
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Good ol' Ben Norton, one of the key players in Grayzone, an apologist outlet for the Russian and PRC governments.

That US invasion of China:

Operation Beleaguer was the codename for the United States Marine Corps' occupation of northeastern China's Hebei and Shandong provinces from 1945 until 1949. The Marines were tasked with overseeing the repatriation of more than 600,000 Japanese and Koreans that remained in China at the end of World War II. During the four-year occupation, American forces engaged in several skirmishes with the People's Liberation Army while successfully evacuating thousands of foreign nationals. The United States Government attempted to mediate a peace treaty between the opposing Nationalist and Communist factions but was unsuccessful. The Marines departed Northern China in June 1949 a few months before the communists won victory in the Chinese Civil War and took control of mainland China.

Eric Hines
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