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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Party of Law and Order
Date: 09/30/2024 6:40 PM
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The 90s were more dangerous in Seattle. Did you live there then? Why are you living downtown?

That's the argument the local Defund the Police use: that crimes was waaaay higher in the 90's (as it was nationwide), so what's the big deal? Adapt.

The problem is, crime - especially violent crime - was very rare in Seattle. Until the Church of Progressivism decided to weigh in.


Homicides increased in Washington by 96% between 2019 and 2022.
Violent crime across the state went up 8.9% in 2022.
In Seattle, 2022 marked a 15-year high in violent crimes (homicide, rape, robbery, assault). That year, the city saw its violent crime rate rise from 729 per 100,000 residents, to 736 per 100,000.
Homicides in Seattle went up 24% in 2022, totaling 52 that year, just behind 2020's count of 53. (According to SPD's 2022 crime report, the department investigated a total of 60 homicides that year, but 52 met criteria for the FBI's definition for criminal homicide).

Here's a question for you:

Is a 96% increase in murder in merely 3 years something to be proud of?

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