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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Helene Landfall
Date: 09/30/2024 6:34 PM
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Around 96% of a wind turbine is made from recyclable materials

That's if someone recycles them.


It also turns out the 96% claim...isn't true.

Wind Turbine Blades Can’t Be Recycled, So They’re Piling Up in Landfills
Companies are searching for ways to deal with the tens of thousands of blades that have reached the end of their lives.

Thats's 2020. What about now?

Turbine Blades Have Piled Up in Landfills. A Solution May Be Coming.
Wind power has a waste problem that has been difficult to solve. Turbine blades made from a new plant-based material could make them recyclable.

Most blades for wind turbines measure longer than a football field and are nearly impossible to recycle.
At the end of their life span of around 20 years, they are chopped into pieces and buried in a handful of landfills across the Great Plains. Those few sites in Wyoming, Iowa and South Dakota have a spooky nickname: wind turbine graveyards.
But this waste problem from a growing source of low carbon energy could become a headache of the past.
Researchers at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory have developed what they say is a turbine blade made from plant material that can be recycled. The new substance is made from inedible sugar extracted from wood, plant remains, used cooking oil and agricultural waste.

Maybe they get thew new plant-based blades right.

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