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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41844 
Subject: Re: Trump: Forget POWs, They Deserve It
Date: 10/23/2024 2:59 PM
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Really? How do you know he wouldn't invite some lady friend over and neglect your kid while he attends to other....business?

Now, I don't really think that would happen. He'd probably be perfectly fine.

Yes, he would. Again, it's about responsibility. If JFK accepted the job, he'd take it seriously. He would do his best. This is a man who towed a wounded crewman by putting the lifejacket strap in his teeth and swimming. Anything comes up in the babysitting gig, I'm pretty sure he would step up to do his best.

I can't say the same for the convicted felon. He has shown no sign of any ability to take any responsibility at all.

And I'm not really a fan of JFK, as POTUS, though I respect many of his actions before prior to that.
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