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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: albaby1 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41912 
Subject: Re: We Don't Know Who We're Deporting
Date: 03/19/2025 5:32 PM
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The US population is thousands of times larger then the number illegals who commit felonies on US soil. So of course the comparison you propose would show our own citizens pose a larger threat than the peace loving illegals so why bother with them, right?

No. It's the rate that is really relevant, not the absolute number. Are 100K illegal migrants present in the U.S. more likely to commit crimes going forward than 100K native-born Americans? If not, it doesn't really make sense to label the former group as "predators" if you don't similarly label the latter group - since they're equally disposed to commit "predator" type crimes. Take 100K of anyone and there will be some violent crime committed by folks within that 100K. But if the migrants aren't any more likely to do it, then they're not "predators" to any greater degree than native-born citizens are.
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