No. of Recommendations: 12
I think I can help you Dope1.
Commonone is making reference to the legion whose misplaced or excessive admiration for Trump has not wavered over the past 6 years in spite of the following multiple choice of developments.
A. Attempts to normalize the random grabbing/groping of women and by their genitalia.
B. As commander in chief, sides with Putin over the consensus of US intel & national security teams.
C. Delays defense supplies authorized by US Congress for the Ukrainian people living under Russian bombardment.
D. Subverts the nation's democratic process by interfering in state election tallies and certifications.
E. Slanders volunteer GA election workers with fabricated untruths regarding their handling of cast ballots.
F. Fails to respond to an organized attack on the US Capital and the resulting trauma and loss of lives.
G. All of the above
That's right Dope1, they're all true, but congrats if you selected (G), the most correct answer.
Most of us were raised to value honesty, loyalty, duty, unity and a basic respect for fair play.
Elected leaders aren't entitled to a free pass on these values. They're supposed to reinforce them.
Is there a better word than "cult" to explain the Trump crowd's unmooring from such core principles of decency?