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Author: Said   😊 😞
Number: of 12433 
Subject: Re: OT: a caution to Manlobbi
Date: 01/18/2025 9:57 AM
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No. of Recommendations: 10
I silently wondered how a similar thread on “Kamala communism” would have been received.

You have my sympathy. Your post reminds me on the German media (all "reputable" papers, from "DER SPIEGEL" over "FAZ" to "Die Welt" etc.) which lately were outraged and uniformly called it a "Scandalous interference of a Billionaire in the internal affairs of another country" when Musk said "Only the AFD [our most right wing party] can save Germany" --- leaving me wondering whether the same papers would have been simply silent or would have even applauded had the same Billionaire said the same about the Green Party.

Not that I was ever particularly active or that anyone will care

I do care. I hate to see you leaving. I appreciated your posts plus, as you say, as more not mainstream voices are leaving a building as more uniform and mainstream it becomes. Very sad.
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