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Author: hclasvegas   😊 😞
Number: of 12434 
Subject: Re: OT: a caution to Manlobbi
Date: 01/18/2025 9:56 AM
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No. of Recommendations: 1
" Good luck to all, and I genuinely hope your tolerance grows. To those other “different thinkers” who stick around—well done. You’re stronger than I am, I have to think about controlling my blood pressure and it has been spiking here lately. Peace."

Good morning, just in case I'm your only rec, 20 years ago I posted that Buffett should authorize buybacks at, material discounts to Iv, and several other suggestions to get brkb to trade at a higher premium to BV. I've been the bad boy of brkville ever since. The most obnoxious fools I ignore, others have offered value over the decades. I doubt it's fair to ask Manlobbi to be the board policeman. Several very sharp old timers agree with you, they refuse to post or left the brkb board. IF it bugs you, happy healthy new year to you and yours, I get many good laughs from the lightweights, especially on the US policy board. Take care, hc.
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