No. of Recommendations: 2
The dems have framed abortion somewhat narrowly as, "Vote for democrats or women die because the GOP took their rights away". Oh, they'll argue that their position is more nuanced than that - it really isn't, just read this thread where it's stated explicitly - but what it lacks in sophistication (vote for us or die) it makes up for it in effectiveness.
This framing is intentional. And great, when you study it from an objective political view. Allows the democrats to paint the Republicans as Evil Movie Bad Guys (from that film based on the Margaret Somethingorother book whose name I can't remember and don't want to break my train of thought to Google) while simultaneously holding them up as Defenders of Women.
It also allows the democrats to argumentatively eliminate all the space and nuance and force the GOP to argue on legal technicalities. Dobbs overturned a really janky Supreme Court ruling from the 1970s and that's all it did...but try telling that to somebody really emotionally invested in the issue any of that - they won't listen. The other thing the democrats have done is play offense 100% of the time on the abortion issue - there's not a single ad where it comes up and the GOP, being the stupid/weak party, doesn't know how to counter-program it.
But there are ways. The first thing to know is that the majority opinion on abortion breaks down like this. The first couple of points favor the pro-choice side:
-RU-486 should be legal in all cases and readily available
-Abortion should be legal (see the first point) in the first few weeks of pregnancy
-Late term (post 20 weeks or so) abortions are viewed very unfavorably
-Partial birth or Born Alive situations are strongly opposed
The democrats' positioning wallpapers over all of that.