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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Amazon and James Bond
Date: 03/07/2025 4:48 PM
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Had no idea what you were talking about. But, after some searching, I think I dug up what you were referencing:


Not a lot of coverage. Mostly Hollywood insider rags.

Yes, it would be a shame if Bezos stuck a bunch of right-wing crap into Bond. Until recently, it's always been sexist (from Dr No, until Dalton's version actually treated women with some respect). Feeding the male fantasy. But if they abandon reality completely (e.g. Russia being a "good guy", and Canada being evil), that will kill it.

I don't keep track, but I think the last I saw the male Bond was retiring, and a new female 007 was introduced.

I did find this bit amusing: Jeff Bezos Wanted to Remove Barbara Broccoli After She Called Amazon Execs ‘F**king Idiots

But, ultimately, I don't really care about Hollywood. I consume their product, based on my tastes. But I don't care who is having an affair with whom, or marrying or divorcing, or which actors/directors/whatever are temperamental. I never watch any awards shows (e.g. Oscars). Don't care. Just give me a quality product, and don't exploit people doing it (e.g. Weinstein).
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