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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: FlyingCircus 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Melania's meme coin
Date: 01/21/2025 10:41 PM
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Funny thing, I seem to remember we used to have a law against Presidents remaining involved in their business... had to divest, right? What was it? Hmmm... some weird word that started with E... Elonification?? No, haha. Elonuments!! yeah that was it... er... EMOLUMENTS!!

In '16, Trump just blew off Emoluments. How quaint. Now, he's literally started a personal 100% profit making business while in office! This is next level stuff! Biden's nepotistic deals pulled in a few million to the family? PFFT! This will show him how it's REALLY done!

During Donald Trump’s first term, CREW tracked more than 3,700 conflicts of interest, as politicians, foreign governments and special interest groups sought access to both him and his administration by spending money at Trump properties. CREW estimated that as many as 30 special interest groups received favorable policy outcomes from the Trump administration after hosting an event at a Trump property and that Trump’s companies earned at least $13.6 million in payments from foreign governments. Additionally, during his time in office, 143 members of Congress visited Trump properties.

More fooling the Tools. Or is it tooling of the fools?

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