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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: Carpian   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Nazi Salute
Date: 01/21/2025 10:33 PM
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I don’t believe - I know - that you and your fellow travelers haven’t gotten over losing and won’t for 4 years.

You're absolutely correct, I hope. Otherwise it means the US and the "free world" are totally screwed. We may be already, but I cling to some hope.

You make it sound like "not getting over" electing a President who is a pompous, lying, cheating, divisive, convicted felon (with a lot more and worse convictions likely to come had he not managed to pull out the election), dictator-loving, science-ignoring, ally-frightening, unstable egomaniac of a nuclear code holder, narcissistic personality disorder, antagonistic, uncaring fraud of a "religious man", etc, etc, is a bad thing.

I appreciate the tireless--and I do mean tireless!--efforts of those on this board and elsewhere to keep shedding light on the lies and viciousness that will now come in an even greater cloudburst from the oligarchs in power. That is what gives me hope, and is needed now more than ever.

As was pointed out earlier (in better words), you don't need to believe us, you can see it for yourself if you are willing to look.

An easy place to start is with the Jan. 6 pardons. Take it from a former Republican congressman who "was there" as an advisor to the Jan. 6 Select Committee. In what world is this stuff OK? Not any world that I've lived in.


And the fact is that the Republican Party can't claim to run on law and order ever again. And, for me personally, knowing what happened that day, that these coup-like movements and these insurrectionists are being pardoned by the president of the United States, I think it rattles our allies also. And it really shakes the foundations of everything we stand for as Americans.
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