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Author: WatchingTheHerd HONORARY
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Number: of 41504 
Subject: Re: VOTING: The Only Like That Matters
Date: 10/27/2024 7:10 PM
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I've read that Kamala has raised over a $1 Billion. How can she possibly need to raise more money ? I'm sure it's the same on Trump side, and he probably puts 50% of everything raised in his pocket,lol.

This bothers me as well. I saw a story in the last two days claiming that the person running Trump's campaign has personally earned $22 million dollars in this campaign. That's their cut of the ad buys, etc. I've only seen links to that story pointing back to The Daily Beast and the Lincoln Project so take that with whatever sized grain of salt works for you.

As I've stated previously,


while the Citizens United decision has had a horrible impact on actual elections and voting, it really has gotten beyond the point of absurdity and far beyond actual elections. Logically speaking, there is SOME upper limit of return on spending to actually try to send flyers, buy ads, knock on doors etc. There are people who CANNOT be reached even if you buy every TV station in a market and run your ad 24x7 until election day. It's still illegal to literally BUY votes. But that's not the problem with this fundraising. The problem is that it is funding other favor swapping deals and acting as "virtue signaling" between wealthy donors and politicians and special interests so they can essentially buy influence at the wholesale level, in committees and other places where legislative business gets done before any OFFICIAL voting takes place.

It's still up to the average American to ignore that and just exercise the one vote that still matters.

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