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Author: UpNorthJoe   😊 😞
Number: of 41621 
Subject: Re: VOTING: The Only Like That Matters
Date: 10/27/2024 6:47 PM
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I've got my sample ballot, will be voting early, either tomorrow or Tuesday ( bad case of the
flu right now, negative covid test, will definitely be masked )

Myself, and everyone I talk to, is inundated with requests for donations from the candidates.
I easily get 10 text and 10 emails a day asking for another donation. I opt out of the texts, so they just send it again from a new phone number. There is no opting out of this circus. This is really pissing people off. I've read that Kamala has raised over a $1 Billion. How can she possibly need to raise more money ? I'm sure it's the same on Trump side, and he probably puts 50% of everything raised in his pocket,lol. Trump/Vance front have sent me requests for money, which is pretty funny. The consensus amongst my social circle is that this a never ending money grab, and the entities benefiting from it are the media companies. So it is in the media companies best interest to make the election campaign season divisive, and never ending.

Social Media is kind of wrecking the Country. And I don't even use Twitter or Instagram, which are even more full of Russian bots trying to influence.
So how do we take our World back from the Social Media entities ? I sure don't get much value
from the 1/2 hour a day I spend on FB, so wouldn't be too hard to drop it. But I don't think the rest of the World is going to go that route,lol.

So how does the Social Media monster ( collective ) get put on a leash ???
We better figure something out, or it's going to get even uglier.

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