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Author: Goofyhoofy 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Inheriting a far more dangerous world
Date: 09/24/2024 4:04 PM
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That's not the right question.
Would Trump have

-Left billions$$$$ in valuable equipment behind?
-Abandoned Bagram Air Base, and ordered a chaotic evac from Kabul?
-Had Afghanis hanging on to the wheels of C-17s as they took off?

No, he wouldn't have.

I’m certain he would. He’s the one who dropped troop levels from tens of thousands to a mere 2500. He also closed two of the three airbases, so the Taliban knew *exactly* where the extraction would be? And what do you do with 2500 troops, when most of them are support, meals, and so on?

We left behind equipment in Vietnam, in Korea, in World War II. That’s how it works. It’s ridiculous to think you bring the stuff back home with you, there’s no logistic sense in doing so.

But I’m sure if Trump had been re-elected and the debacle that he caused had been exactly the same, you’d be saying “Whjat a great job, he got us out of there.”
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