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Author: weatherman   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Trump Investors Losing Their Shirts!
Date: 09/24/2024 4:24 PM
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well, those touting the TAM for conservative media seemed to forget trump is really bad at directing commerce, especially involving other people's money.

but the real reason djt was doomed is that trump needs free mainstream media publicity to win the election and stay out of prison.
repeating his usual nonsense just to the sparse TS head-nodders does nothing.
this mean any Truth Social 'exclusive' would be worthless (like the announcement of his Bibles), and\or only exclusive for a short time.

anyone attempting to excuse the djt financials as being in startup 'growth' phase was basically ridiculed, as was any fundamental analysis.
djt pretty much hit every box on the checklist of a potential scam stock.
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