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Author: PinotPete   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Priorities
Date: 10/26/2024 9:42 AM
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It's a lot to get across in one sentence, agreed. But the focus is clear, sincere, and do-able.

If everything's a priority, nothing is. If you've got a lot to get across in one sentence (child tax policy; housing; health care/drug policy; and more!), you're not really telling people what your priority is.

I agree with both of you, in part.

The comprehensive list spelled out is almost exactly my take on Harris' economic plan and it is comprehensible to me, but I also agree that it is too much to be concise and repeatable, 'meme-able' even, which is basically albaby's point. The message needs not only to be comprehensible in substance, but easily understood and repeatable and therefore memorable. "Tariffs, tariffs, tariffs" (Tora, Tora, Tora) does that, even if universal tariffs are stupid and counter-productive to the claims being made.

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