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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Sane-Washing Trump Incoherence
Date: 09/10/2024 4:50 PM
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That she is not a convict felon, nor an adjudicated rapist, nor suffering dementia, and is not incredibly stupid does not shed any light on if she has any idea at all about how to solve many of the problems facing our country.

That is true. But a) those are several "red lines" for me. I wouldn't vote for a Dem that had a CV like that. And b) the convict has no idea how to address them, as he ably demonstrated from 2017-2021.

Let's suppose Charles Manson was alive, running for office, and said everything you wanted to hear. Would you vote for him? I wouldn't, even if he was in favor of universal healthcare, a minimum basic income, a hard-line for China and Iran and DPRK and Putin, etc. I still wouldn't vote for him.

Yes, Manson is an extreme example, but I'm sure you get my point. You cross a red line, I don't vote for you.
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