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Author: onepoorguy 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Georgia election board
Date: 09/21/2024 8:46 PM
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I remember the recounts of four years ago. The MAGA-ites were made to look like fools. The hand counts did not materially change the outcome**, and took weeks to accomplish.

I'm all for making our voting more secure. Thus far, we have no evidence it isn't. Seems like we're trying to solve a problem that isn't a problem.

Though I would be concerned about machines that are online. Those could be hacked by the Russians (or whomever). So keep them offline, probably always good to run a trial by feeding the machines a few thousand test ballots to be sure the count is accurate before actual voting begins. Those seem reasonable precautions.

The convict lost in 2020. Both popular and electoral. Hopefully he'll lose again in about 6 weeks.

**In AZ, the hand-count resulted in Biden winning by a larger margin than originally reported. However, I believe the original count was the "official" count. I think it likely the hand count was less reliable because...humans. Even with the best intentions, we make mistakes. I always count my change before leaving the register.
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