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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: Georgia election board
Date: 09/21/2024 10:13 PM
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I remember the recounts of four years ago. The MAGA-ites were made to look like fools. The hand counts did not materially change the outcome**, and took weeks to accomplish. - 1pg


I think it is reasonable to not automatically delay the official results for any of these routine QA audits. Any detailed and worthwhile post election records review would stretch for weeks or months after the election and it cannot be allowed to delay the official results. Suppose it is stipulated that any of the generalized post election record reviews will only be used to fine tune procedures for the next election and cannot be used to challenge this years results. We would still get to a better place, just slightly slower.

The primary sentiment is the election records are not the private property of the custodians of that data and the records should enthusiastically be made available for post election review and analysis. Sunlight will diminish the integrity concerns of most of the skeptics.
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