Let's work together to create a positive and welcoming environment for all.
- Manlobbi
Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
No. of Recommendations: 11
It doesn’t matter if Harris wins all the electoral votes and 60% of the popular votes.
Donald Trump is already declaring that the 2024 election will be illegitimate (unless he wins). The lawsuits are already being filed, the excuses are already being circulated, and it doesn’t matter how ridiculous they are because it’s not the excuses that MAGA ultimately believes, it’s the underlying premise for those excuses:
Here’s that premise:
This is the underlying assumption that Trump and his misfits have been carefully cultivating for the past nine years, but now they have a greater infrastructure to push the lie than they did in 2020
So buckle up, guys. It’s going to be a rough few months. The only solace is that there are more of us who are willing to defend our Republic than there are those who want to burn it down.
There is only one absolute certainty for this election:
Trump will declare himself the winner.
No. of Recommendations: 2
So buckle up, guys. It’s going to be a rough few months. The only solace is that there are more of us who are willing to defend our Republic than there are those who want to burn it down.
And if Trump wins the election via the obsolete Electoral College (he will almost certainly lose the popular vote), it will be a rough 4 years - or longer.
No. of Recommendations: 1
No. Not in America.
Don't worry if Trump loses eventually he'll fade one way or the other.
And elections will be as legit as "Not my president!" for George W Bush and "resistance" before Trump had ever even taken a piss in his White House bathroom.
More more more!!!!
"Of COURSE trump really won. I got a Trump flag on my house and the mailman who's got a rainbow sticker on his mail truck saw it sticking out.....skipped my house and then I guess he must've been sick the next day. I dont know if my ballot even made it on time. I wonder how many people that happened to."
"Trump stole it from Kamala*. All of a sudden there were speed traps, police presence on the main road from my development to the polling place. Our building has lots of hispanics and immigrants and I bet they got scared to vote"
I'll be posting for both sides, equally just like always on multiple forums.
Here's to the Mosaic and the Balkanization. Yes Trump elevated it to a sick level BUT - this was happening well before him. And the Smug didn't want to admit it nor even take a bit of responsibility for it.
Too late.
We're still not where we need to be. They day You People say "the 2020's - those were the good ol days"--- then only will victory be complete.
But, I am so encouraged and I am positive, this trend will *not* reverse. Worst case scenario - it doesn't get any worse. Best case - UN Peacekeepers having to monitor American elections.
(No news at all to me.....just patient is all )
No. of Recommendations: 0
Asterisk* next to Kamala's name was just to note - I rarely if ever call her "Kamala" - it's so disrespectful but it works for white Liberal paternalistic racists. I just wrote Kamala because it's more marketable when I flood the zone with divisive stuff on behalf of both sides on multiple forums.
I usually refer to her has Harris. A man on the street, a Senator, or anyone deserves that respect. We usually say Palin, Bush, Trump, Kerry, Carter. We usually don't say Sarah, Donalds, John or Jimmy. We don't say "Jimmy is turning 100 and has brain cancer".
YET for the Paternalistic Racist Left, they love doing this to only *some* people.
For SCOTUS: It was "Ketanji!" 24/7. Now it's "Kamala!".
Treating them like pets.'
No surprise.
I usually stick to Harris.
No. of Recommendations: 2
LOL at these people.
Meanwhile, they pull what they tried to pull in Pennsylvania and in Virginia while loudly decrying what the other side hasn’t done yet.
And this after jettisoning the guy who got 14 million primary votes…for someone who got ZERO PRIMARY VOTES!
I swear. You couldn’t make these people up if you tried.
No. of Recommendations: 1
Donald Trump is already declaring that the 2024 election will be illegitimate (unless he wins).
The MAGA faithful believe with all the passion of a cultist.
After Trump lost the last election a large banner was put up on the side of a building in our town that read: TRUMP WON! Now a large flag with the same message is flying there.