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Author: ges 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 41621 
Subject: The big Truth Social grift
Date: 10/06/2024 10:21 AM
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The grift that keeps on giving.

Truth Social Users Are Losing Ridiculous Sums of Money to Scams

One person who says they lost $170,000 explained they were initially scammed on a different site but met someone on Truth Social who claimed they could help get their money back. That turned out to be a scam as well. But more often, the victims are first contacted on Truth Social before being told to take the conversation somewhere else, like WhatsApp. Truth Social seems to be a target-rich environment for people who are easy to con.

Another thing that sticks out about the complaints filed with the FTC is that they seem to involve plenty of elderly fans of Donald Trump. One 72-year-old man who reported chatting with a “beautiful” woman on the site was scammed out of $21,000. His complaint ends with, “I haven’t told my wife about this blunder. She still doesn’t know about it.” Another person in their 60s said they lost $500,000 to scammers on Truth Social and seemed to think there might be a way they could get their money back, telling the FTC, “After I pay this they promise there will be no more fees and I will receive my assets.”

More at: https://gizmodo.com/truth-social-users-are-losing-...

"Overall, we rate Gizmodo Left Biased based on editorial positions that almost always favor the left and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a clean fact check record."

Rated 'high for factual reporting', something you almost never see on the right wing media sites.
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