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Author: WatchingTheHerd HONORARY
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Number: of 41531 
Subject: Re: Trump's Final Message to Voters
Date: 10/29/2024 3:10 PM
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To be President is to spend a lot of your working day making the decisions that are too difficult, or are too important, for your subordinates to make.

I'm sorely tempted at this point to circle back to my earlier comments on a President's priorities being largely dictated by the events of the day/week/month. But I'll just let it go having expressed the temptation. :-)


The most important part of a President's job is to (properly) decide what things require Presidential decision making and intervention in the first place. When you have all that power, it's tempting to try to apply it to solve problems, even with the best of intentions. But not everything that reaches the desk needs to be there or is best resolved there.

I've mentioned this previously but part of America's problem is that we have over-subscribed our expectations of the President's role in the daily operation of the government. That dates from Cold War thinking when every American woke every day thinking today was the day the big guy might have to decide to hit the launch button. Political parties learned over the past seventy years to leverage that fear and deference to over-hype the importance of that one vote and get the public to ignore the dozens of other votes we have to cast to staff a functional / ethical / moral government. That allows the parties to fill the rest of the slots with...


Look at the House and Senate today. When the founders designed the House to be a body in close touch with the immediate priorities of the people, they didn't have Marjory Taylor Greene or Lauren Boebert in mind. When the founders designed the Senate with the intention of it serving as a saucer to cool the hot tea coming from the House before doing something stupid, they didn't anticipate a state electing Tommy Tuberville to be one of those "deliberating" in that august body. I'm not sure Tuberville can spell deliberating, much less engage in it.

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