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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Captkerosene   😊 😞
Number: of 12538 
Subject: Re: BAC
Date: 07/28/2024 3:07 PM
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As for crypto, as long as it’s useful to criminals and terrorists; is not a medium of exchange and undermines the institutions that underpin democracy, I will be avoiding that.

The Supreme Pontiff would be proud of his inquisitor for quickly rooting out this heresy.

"I didn't buy Bitcoin for moral reasons" ain't gonna hack it with me. Bitcoin is about the most moral invention in the history of mankind. Sounds more like a dodge, you think it will go up but don't have the courage to invest ... so, you balk instead.

When I've taken my last breath and my brain implant is downloaded to the great AI in the sky, I hope I'll be able to say I wrote my own code and didn't just follow the program. Put me on the bench over there with Galileo please. Or, if I'm wrong, then you can repurpose me as a Bitcoin miner for all of eternity.

What better to do on a Sunday than ponder spiritual matters while going for a troll?

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