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Stocks A to Z / Stocks B / Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.A)
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Author: Captkerosene   😊 😞
Number: of 12535 
Subject: Re: BAC
Date: 07/28/2024 3:21 PM
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I’m not sure charts and comparisons tell you very much. As there’s not much precedent for yields appropriate for US debt levels of 120% of GDP with ongoing $1 Billion-$2 Billion deficits in GOOD times (5% nominal GDP), half of which funds existing debt. His is new territory. Throw in what I humbly suspect is a higher floor on systemic inflation….

We’ll say we “saw this coming” just like every other obvious crisis like what brewed from 2003-2007 and exploded in 2008/2009. But we had charts confirming what hasn’t happened—can’t happen. Look at this 30 year trend.

35T debt
200T unfunded obligations
5T US Billionaire assets - not enough to support the debt
4T FED Debt
USD under attack
Banks 500B in unrecognized loses
Consumer stretched
Interest rates going up IMO
Next time bail-in not bail-out
Govt interference in your business
Increased competition from digital tech. (See retail and media)

What's not to love about banking?

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