No. of Recommendations: 8
INTERVIEWER: "Who's running the country then?"
TRUMP CULTIST: "Barack Obama."
This speaks to so many things. Included among them is what seems to be a fundamental difference between the current right and the left in their view of the structure of government. Republicans (at least the Trump-supporting ones) seem to believe that there is one person, the President, or in this case former President, who "runs" everything. Which is just what Trump wants them to believe, because that's what he wants to do. This is why his opposition views him as a threat to become a dictator.
Was Obama "running" the country even as President, in the sense that I believe it is meant here--which is to say able to do whatever he wants and get his way on everything? "Leading" yes, "running" no. When working properly, the country is "run" by a variety of people, institutions and entities, each doing their part with checks and balances. Trump has tried to short-circuit that, and will try a lot more if re-elected. He's made that clear through both words and deeds.