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Author: BlueGrits   😊 😞
Number: of 41844 
Subject: Re: Disconnected Politicians
Date: 11/21/2024 2:10 PM
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From an email I just got:

This is the last chance to raise your concerns to the State Board of Education (SBOE). The SBOE will vote THIS Friday on whether to approve new instructional materials for elementary school students.

While there are appropriate ways to incorporate the study of religious texts in public schools, these materials miss that mark. Because the proposed curriculum is neither age-appropriate nor relevant to the subject matter, it presents faith claims as fact claims and results in a devotional approach rather than objective consideration of the text. Public schools are not Sunday schools, but the teaching of these materials would teach religion in ways that encroach on everyone’s religious freedom.

The SBOE took a preliminary vote yesterday. The good news is that 7 members voted against the curriculum, including 4 Democrats (Bell-Metereau, Childs, Ortega, Perez-Diaz) and 3 Republicans (Brooks, Hardy, Little). The bad news is that we need 8 votes to defeat the curriculum.

TAKE ACTION NOW! Email your member on the State Board of Education about your concerns with the curriculum. If they voted against the curriculum in the preliminary vote, thank them and ask them to vote NO on the final vote on Friday. If they voted to approve the curriculum in the preliminary vote, ask them to vote NO on the final vote. Not sure who represents you? Find out here. Remember to identify yourself as a constituent in your email!
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