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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41621 
Subject: Re: Trump's Latest Grift: $100,000 Watches
Date: 09/26/2024 11:27 PM
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The two "fashion" things I loved: Suits and watches. Otherwise I never cared about shoes, brands, whatever.

In the 2000's when I was doing well, yeah, I never did the 100k thing but I admit, I bought some expensive watches.

THEN when I decided back then that the goal is to pay zero taxes, do NO business, employ NOBODY, and take as much as possible from the system I had to top buying that stuff. Now, if my 'plan' is ahead of schedule the most I'll do is buy a decent used watch on Ebay - max $400.00

2 weeks ago at "parent's night" at school all the corporate/law/pharma Dads were there with their Rolexes and yeah ok I admit I felt a bit of loser-dom but then I reminded myself - zero college, and been sitting around retired in my 40's for almost 4 years now and living in a rather okay way -- screw it, been there done that.

Sadly my kids will have to do the college-career-professional bullshit so I have to focus money on that now. I still indulge on travel, and food. But otherwise, I'm the guy in baggy sweat pants and AmazonBasics sweater sitting at Dunkin in the morning lol.
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