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Author: commonone 🐝🐝 HONORARY
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Number: of 41628 
Subject: Trump's Latest Grift: $100,000 Watches
Date: 09/26/2024 2:32 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 10
Introducing the $100,000 Trump Victory Tourbillon, “almost entirely made out of 18 Carat Gold and decorated with 122 Diamonds.” By weight, the gold is worth about $17,000. The diamond flecks, maybe a few thousand more.

Perfect for wearing to Mar-a-Lago or for bribing a presidential candidate.

DISCLAIMER: The watches “are not political and have nothing to do with any political campaign,” and they are “not designed, manufactured, distributed or sold by Donald J. Trump, The Trump Organization or any of their respective affiliates or principals.”

For you poor schmucks who don't have $100,000 lying around, you can get a cheap piece of crap watch instead. The Fighter style comes either in gold-plated stainless steel (for $799) or stainless steel (for $499).

The grift literally never ends.

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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Re: Trump's Latest Grift: $100,000 Watches
Date: 09/26/2024 11:27 PM
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The two "fashion" things I loved: Suits and watches. Otherwise I never cared about shoes, brands, whatever.

In the 2000's when I was doing well, yeah, I never did the 100k thing but I admit, I bought some expensive watches.

THEN when I decided back then that the goal is to pay zero taxes, do NO business, employ NOBODY, and take as much as possible from the system I had to top buying that stuff. Now, if my 'plan' is ahead of schedule the most I'll do is buy a decent used watch on Ebay - max $400.00

2 weeks ago at "parent's night" at school all the corporate/law/pharma Dads were there with their Rolexes and yeah ok I admit I felt a bit of loser-dom but then I reminded myself - zero college, and been sitting around retired in my 40's for almost 4 years now and living in a rather okay way -- screw it, been there done that.

Sadly my kids will have to do the college-career-professional bullshit so I have to focus money on that now. I still indulge on travel, and food. But otherwise, I'm the guy in baggy sweat pants and AmazonBasics sweater sitting at Dunkin in the morning lol.
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