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Author: Said   😊 😞
Number: of 12433 
Subject: Re: Tarifs effect on markets
Date: 03/06/2025 12:46 AM
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No. of Recommendations: 4
The problem with political opinions is that one against better knowledge is tempted to reply or rather attack if someone utters an opinion which is completely contrary one´s own view of the world. Because that´s what politics is about: One´s view of the world. And if that is attacked it is taken as a very personal thing, as it concerns one´s very core, as if we are attacked. Even Jim who is so much more restrained than I am some posts ago couldn´t resist this temptation, or rather ´craving´, to ´correct´ someones ´obviously´ wrong political(!) view. As less can weak me resist this temptation. Therefore I egoistically would like to second this ´slippery slope´ warning. Yes, we are as just was just said ´together here´, but definitely not on politics, so please let us fight (because that´s unavoidably what it always is) somewhere else.

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