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Author: Baybrooke 🐝  😊 😞
Number: of 12434 
Subject: Re: Tarifs effect on markets
Date: 03/05/2025 11:50 PM
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No. of Recommendations: 15
With the “democrat” senators just today voting unanimously to keep men in women sports…that 30% approval might take a while.

You are complaining about women being forced to accept something they don't want. But you have no problem forcing the board to accept something it doesn't want <:-)

Sorry couldn't resist making a light hearted comment. Please don't take above seriously.

Joking aside, nobody is a snowflake here. The board doesn't need to be a Safe Space from politics. Many have correctly pointed out that politics and policy have an impact on investing and it's hard to separate. Still, in the interest of maintaining a good board culture, it behooves us not to cross the line into posting personal political opinions which have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with investing. It's a slippery slope to chaos!

I estimate the collective net worth of board participants to be north of 100 million dollars. Clearly it's a very valuable gathering place! If we can keep ourselves and this board going for a few decades more, our collective net worth could be in the billons <:-) Unfortunately we don't have a "Howard" to help us maintain board culture. We all have to take ownership and do it together.
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