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Author: WatchingTheHerd HONORARY
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Number: of 41486 
Subject: Re: Vance on Rogan's show
Date: 11/01/2024 9:37 PM
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Rogan is a Covid denier, and to keep the ratings up, is now a HIV/AIDS denier, making sick people's lives more difficult.


I must have missed a meeting somewhere in the past twenty years.

We're talking about Joe Rogan. A guy who was a bit-character on the 90s sitcom NewsRadio with Phil Hartman, Dave Foley and Mauri Tierney which folded within a year of Phil Hartman dying tragically. Rogan moved upward and onward to host a TV reality show Fear Factor, in which he handled the awesome responsibility of emceeing contestants eating live bugs and similar intellectual challenges.

Yet this guy is now host of one of the most widely listened-to podcasts on a daily basis?

America, do you really get your news about medicine, economics and the law from a guy who "hosted" a show where people ate bugs to entertain other people? Is it not apparent there are other people more versed in any of those areas from which to source your information?

America isn't a house divided. It's a house lobotomized.

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