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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: To Be clear
Date: 09/27/2024 1:19 PM
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To use your words, the "riot" was a cover to stopping the electoral count, which may have resulted in Pence changing his mind, or in the election being thrown into the House. don't limit your view to just the "riot" as you seem to be doing.

Nope, sorry.
You're alleging a vast conspiracy that no evidence exists took place. That's why the J6 trials have largely been a farce where the DOJ has been handing down jail time for people who went into the Capitol and...then just left.

Just consider that every time someone says insurrection they mean insurrectionist elements, which may be may be 3 dozen - we don't know right now. So a reasonable person could conclude that there were rioters and insurrectionists there with varying degrees of culpability. You need to include all of the scheme(s) to get a better overall picture.

That's a conveniently vague frame to blanketly grab loads of extra activity and label it 'insurrection'. Won't work.
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