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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: Dope1   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: To Be clear
Date: 09/27/2024 1:17 PM
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So there was a build up, then people were told they needed to fight and sent down to the capitol. In and amongst them were insurrectionist elements. Saying it was a "riot gone bad" doesn't recognize there was a scheme to halt the peaceful transfer of power going on. The person who fomented the insurrection with Trump, Trump, and those who assisted the scheme (elector slates, plans to capture polies) are traitors, not necessarily in the Constitutional sense, but in the overall meaning of the word. They betrayed America. These points are made to you to drive home the seriousness of what happened, but they are also very real.

What "chatter"? I'll remind you that if you're going to cite "Fight for the election" or some such thing you're opening yourself up to charges in reverse of democrats inciting violence, so you might as well agree in advance that political rhetoric gets heated from time to time.

You also are claiming facts not in evidence, such as 'Trump formenting the insurrection' and all that. I also reject your 'traitors' themes as they're meant to land emotional points.

Everything said about Trump causing the insurrection is washed away with what Trump actually said on the Mall that day, which was, go home in peace.

BTW democrats have fought to stop every Republican President from assuming office this century.
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