Let's show appreciation and gratitude towards each other's contributions on the board.
- Manlobbi
Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
No. of Recommendations: 4
Pete Serrano, Republican candidate for attorney general in Washington State is running on a public safety platform. As part his campaign he's been taking walks through various cities in Washington highlight crime, drug use, and other public safety issues. This weekend, he was in Seattle and posted several videos with a concerned local business woman walking around town discussing various problems.
This exchange happens as they are walking along in front of an entrance of a light rail station:
Serrano: Do you want to go down?
Woman: Oof.
Serrano: Do you not want to go down?
Woman: Well, I'm with you guys. But uh,
Serrano: If you're not comfortable we don't have to go down.
Woman: No, it is good. I am with you guys. I'm telling you, you need to see this.
The camera zooms in to show us what is making the woman uncomfortable. It is a guy sitting by himself on a bench about 20 yards away. A Black guy.
He never shows the thing she says we need to see down on the platform. I guess they couldn't find any Black people down there.
No. of Recommendations: 2
I happen to live in Seattle, a mere 2 miles from what used to be a beautiful and vibrant downtown.
Now? Even if there was a reason to go, I don’t.
It took all of 6 months for an inept Mayor, a loser County Executive, an idiot governor and the most craven Attorney General of all time to piledrive Seattle into the ground.
While it’s gotten somewhat better of late (thanks to electing a Republican prosecutor and kicking out all but one of the Commies on the city council plus the Mayor)…The Church of Progressivism sacrificed many a blue city on the altar of #woke, and it’s going to take years to recover.
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The 90s were more dangerous in Seattle. Did you live there then? Why are you living downtown?
No. of Recommendations: 2
The 90s were more dangerous in Seattle. Did you live there then? Why are you living downtown?That's the argument the local Defund the Police use: that crimes was waaaay higher in the 90's (as it was nationwide), so what's the big deal? Adapt.
The problem is, crime - especially violent crime - was very rare in Seattle. Until the Church of Progressivism decided to weigh in.
https://www.kuow.org/stories/seattle-passes-grim-m...Homicides increased in Washington by 96% between 2019 and 2022.
Violent crime across the state went up 8.9% in 2022.
In Seattle, 2022 marked a 15-year high in violent crimes (homicide, rape, robbery, assault). That year, the city saw its violent crime rate rise from 729 per 100,000 residents, to 736 per 100,000.
Homicides in Seattle went up 24% in 2022, totaling 52 that year, just behind 2020's count of 53. (According to SPD's 2022 crime report, the department investigated a total of 60 homicides that year, but 52 met criteria for the FBI's definition for criminal homicide).Here's a question for you:
Is a 96% increase in murder in merely 3 years something to be proud of?
No. of Recommendations: 6
I happen to live in Seattle, a mere 2 miles from what used to be a beautiful and vibrant downtown.
Hilarious, isn't it? When Serrano goes looking for evidence of crime, he makes a video showing Black people. Republicans don't even try to hide their racism anymore.
No. of Recommendations: 2
Hilarious, isn't it? When Serrano goes looking for evidence of crime, he makes a video showing Black people. Republicans don't even try to hide their racism anymore.What hilarious are rando libs from the internet throwing the race card around.
I'm going to assume you haven't the faintest idea of what you're talking about, and merely point you to this:
No. of Recommendations: 3
Democrats are the Party of Law and Order......
They are passing laws to go after the retail theft that they said was no biggie back on TMF.
Their nominee has put more black and brown people in prison than Trump ever has.
Sorry folks. want lock people up ? Vote Democrat.
No. of Recommendations: 3
No. of Recommendations: 3
Sorry folks. want lock people up ? Vote Democrat.
As someone who lives under 1-party commie rule, I can say that their eternal campaign slogan should be Vote blue, bleed red.
Because that's what happens to your town.
No. of Recommendations: 3
There's this:
Key Takeaways:
*In 2023, Seattle was ranked the third-safest city in a Gallup poll of a random sample of adults living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of
Columbia, with 63% of respondents noting Seattle as safe to live in or visit.
*The incidents of violent crime downtown fell in 2023 to the lowest level since 2018.
*The downtown core has seen a significant decline in violent crime of nearly 23% from the post-pandemic high point in 2021.
*The number of homeless encampments downtown has declined significantly since the pandemic.
*Emergency calls from the West Precinct were nearly double the amount received in the next-closest precinct, with many related to overdoses.
https://downtownseattle.org/programs-services/rese...I don't expect any concrete sources from Dope except for people flogging a narrative. The long term residents will tell you the 1990s were mcuh worse in discussions you see on the internet.
I liked Seattle when I was there for Advanced Infantry Training in my youth. But it's still a city, and I just want to visit and live elsewhere.
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I don't expect any concrete sources from Dope except for people flogging a narrative. The long term residents will tell you the 1990s were mcuh worse in discussions you see on the internet.
I gave you concrete stats; you chose to ignore them because of the narrative you're pushing.
I guess a 96% increase in the murder rate is something libs *are* proud of.
Vote blue, bleed red!
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Oh, forgot to add one thing. The study I posted was from the University of Washington.
It had to do with...how much drug residue is on Seattle buses.
Sane people think, "Well, the correct answer is that zero % of any bus fleet should have meth and fentanyl residue in them!"
But not our libs! They're just fine with 99% of buses having meth residue.
Vote blue. Bleed red.
No. of Recommendations: 4
I gave you concrete stats; you chose to ignore them because of the narrative you're pushing.
You gave me stats for 3 years, I gave you FBI stats from 1960 to 2019, and for another few years that appear to contradict what you are saying.
You don't answer questions. The people who lived in Seattle all these years say the 1990s were worse and the stats I found support them, not you.
Adios. End.
No. of Recommendations: 4
I just noticed this... We're talking about the party of law and order?
You mean this party of law and order?
https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-candidate-13...In 2021, while running in the Republican primary for Florida's 13th Congressional district, William Braddock threated his opponent in the primary and another party, making references to his "Russian-Ukrianian hit squad."
While trying to find that story again on a different device on Google, I also found another story from April of 2024. Remember this one?
https://sourcenm.com/2024/04/01/failed-gop-candida...Solomon Peña is the guy who attempted to hire someone to shoot at the homes of three Democratic officials in 2022 after losing an election (handily, 74 to 26 percent). But that's not why he was in the news in April 2024. He seems unable to shift tactics and try new approaches. While in prison awaiting trial on the first set of charges, he again attempted to hire someone to kill two witnesses slated to appear in his first trial. The two witnesses? They were his co-conspirators in the first case. They had already negotiated pleas with prosecutors.
No. of Recommendations: 1
WTHIn 2021, while running in the Republican primary for Florida's 13th Congressional district, William Braddock threatened his opponent in the primary and another party, making references to his "Russian-Ukrianian hit squad."
Yes, I read that one and shook my head. WTF? And his opponent was a woman.
But Peña takes the cake.