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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: Will Dumb Republicans Be Themselves?
Date: 09/30/2024 4:07 PM
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Be it in the debate, or in general political spin and commentary..... will Republicans continue their streak of helping the Left?

Potential striking by the Port Workers, and even the Boeing fellows - will Vance at the debate, or other Republicans come out against the union, or the union's demand? Republicans who want to win should hope not. They should have Trump and Vance walk the picket line, and encourage workers to hold out for 100% of their demands.

In the end, that means that the Goldman Sachs crowd - makes less money. OR it really dents the economy and forces Biden to slap the workers and force them back to work like he did with the railroads - and Club 401K didn't say a darn thing.

So will Republicans help Dems with this strike problem and be called 'party of the rich' when in fact, it's the "Here's $15 an hour, now stay in the projects bad bad schools" Liberals that are the party of the rich, along with their army of Woke CEOs.
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