No. of Recommendations: 4
I just noticed this... We're talking about the party of law and order?
You mean this party of law and order? 2021, while running in the Republican primary for Florida's 13th Congressional district, William Braddock threated his opponent in the primary and another party, making references to his "Russian-Ukrianian hit squad."
While trying to find that story again on a different device on Google, I also found another story from April of 2024. Remember this one? Peña is the guy who attempted to hire someone to shoot at the homes of three Democratic officials in 2022 after losing an election (handily, 74 to 26 percent). But that's not why he was in the news in April 2024. He seems unable to shift tactics and try new approaches. While in prison awaiting trial on the first set of charges, he again attempted to hire someone to kill two witnesses slated to appear in his first trial. The two witnesses? They were his co-conspirators in the first case. They had already negotiated pleas with prosecutors.