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Halls of Shrewd'm / US Policy
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Author: WiltonKnight   😊 😞
Number: of 41628 
Subject: A "plus" for Walz
Date: 09/19/2024 10:31 PM
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If he weaseled out of the Iraq War - that CHENEY NeoCon war that I supported like an idiot : GOOD FOR WALZ and good for anyone who can say "ummm no Kamala. I'm not going to Ukraine or Taiwan" so you and your Cheney Goldman Sachs buddies can make a buck and distract the Sheeple.

Too bad everyone doesn't do it.

I wish Putin and company would just go to potential recruits - right there in the parking lot and say "here's compensation - DON'T go in and sign papers...find something else to do, stay alive and btw in many cases - why the hell do you want to fight for the country that did XYZ to your ancestors?"

Use and division and exploit it.

Why don't they do this. Imagine, a huge recruitment shortage. And officer here and there relocates abroad and lives will.

Oh the fun

BUT here's to Walz for skipping out.

BTW- remember "Chickenhawk!"? We'll see you in a few months for 4 years maybe :) No more "support the troops" jingo bullshit. Take the lessons from Code Pink and the ex Club 401K'ers in the 60's..... it's time to give aid and comfort....

We are not united at water's edge. That Beaver Cleaver stuff is over thank God - right?
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