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Author: LurkerMom   😊 😞
Number: of 42586 
Subject: Re: And the hits…just keep on comin’
Date: 09/19/2024 11:01 PM
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But right now, I think Harris has a chance of pulling this election off. We're looking for the true independents in the swing states. What do you think the October surprise will be?

The closer it gets to the election I see Harris having less and less of a chance to win.
At every appearance Harris constantly repeats the same rehearsed phrases that have no substance.
It’s, ‘huh? what did she say? I don’t get it.’
Harris says she will do ‘this and that’, but with no explanation how she will accomplish her goals.
Harris’ ‘opportunity economy’ is nothing more than a give away of taxpayers money....The idea of giving $25,000 down payment assistance money to buy a house is a slap in the face to those who saved for years to have enough money to buy their first home.

Who will get this $25,000? I believe it will be the illegals who will be first in line. After all, you and I and the American taxpayers are paying their way now.
If by chance Harris wins, she will put the millions of illegal aliens on a fast track to citizenship.
They will be good democrat voters.

October surprise? I have no idea. What do you think it might be?
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