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Personal Finance Topics / Macroeconomic Trends and Risks
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Author: mechinv   😊 😞
Number: of 555 
Subject: Re: S&P 500 closes above 5,000 for the first time
Date: 02/12/2024 5:40 AM
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Well, they certainly HAVE made it.

They sure have, haven't they?

The future is as yet unwritten, so the "gonna make it" might perhaps be premature.

I was celebrating the S&P 500 reaching 5,000 for the first time ever, and offering words of encouragement to people who kept investing through the two recent bear markets. Pardon me for the celebration.

To the (not perfect) extent that is a not-bad yardstick of modern valuation levels, implied current "overvaluation" is 57.2%.

I'm impressed that smart people like you, who really should know better, can calculate the degree of "overvaluation" to this level of precision. Meanwhile, wise people like us retired early years ago because we made the hay while the sun was shining. We ignored pessimists who were constantly telling us the market was overvalued.

Not depressing enough?

Sorry, I'm not in the business of getting people depressed. I'm a cheerful optimist. Shrewd'm is a merry investing community.

If you prefer being depressed, or getting other people depressed, seek professional help.

The apparent typical rate of return for the broad cap-weight US market in the last couple of decades isn't really typical, it would just be the "up" side of climbing a hill.

Last couple of decades? If your investing thesis has been wrong for 20 years, it's time to change your investing thesis.


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