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Author: bighairymike   😊 😞
Number: of 41813 
Subject: Re: If You Want to be Mad About FEMA Spending
Date: 10/05/2024 12:15 PM
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Self-reliance. I have a 90 day supply of my critical meds, a good 1st aid kit with extras, use mother nature's baby formula, and some people are going to die. You should have at least two weeks of food. - Lapsody.

Good for you, good advice for anyone with the funds and storage capacity for emergency supplies.

You have the AR15 with a thousand rounds of ammo, but no food, water, meds, or first aid kits? No way to boil water?

But when society breaks down, ammo will be the new currency. A couple rounds of .223 may buy you a blanket or a case of beans.

Or how about this darker Mad Max version. If I have an AR and a thousand rounds, I can simply take your food, water, etc when I need it. That is unless you also have an AR-15.
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